I am Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, where I lead the Models, Inference, and Decisions (MInD) group of the Molecular Mind Laboratory (MoMiLab) research unit.

My current research interests are in general philosophy of science, formal epistemology, and cognitive science, with a focus on rational decisions in scientific and ordinary reasoning, the notion of cognitive progress, and methodological issues of social and behavioral sciences.

I'm the President (2023-2025) of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences (AISC). I have been member (2017-2020 and 2020-2023) of the council of the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science (SILFS).

You can find my CV here.

Gustavo Cevolani



IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Piazza S.Francesco, 19
55100 Lucca (Italy)


Main research topics:

  • Rationality and reasoning (Bayesianism, heuristics and biases, models of legal reasoning)
  • Truth approximation (truthlikeness, verisimilitude) in ordinary, expert, and scientific reasoning
  • Theory choice, cognition, and scientific progress (Bayesian confirmation, reverse inference, abduction)

Current projects:

  • I'm PI of the IMT research unit in the PRIN project Reasoning with hypotheses: Integrating logical, probabilistic, and experimental perspectives (2023-2025), funded by MUR. The project involves the University of Turin (Prof. Vincenzo Crupi, national PI, and Prof. Andrea Iacona) and the University of Trento (Prof. Katya Tentori and Prof. Stefania Pighin).
  • I'm PI of the project Boosting intellectual humility to improve science communication in healthcare (2023-2026), funded by the John Templeton Foundation.

Past (recent) projects:

  • I'm PI of the SpinGeVacS project (2021-2024), funded by Regione Toscana to develop a toolbox of behavioral and nudge interventions to improve healthcare practices. The project involves the University of Florence (Prof. Leonardo Boncinelli), the University of Siena (Prof. Paolo Pin), as well as three healthcare agencies: ARS Toscana (Dott. Giacomo Galletti), AUSL Sud Est (Dott. Roberta Caldesi), and AUSL Nord Ovest (Dott. Tommaso Bellandi).
  • I'm PI of the IMT research unit of the PRO3 project Understanding public data: experts, decisions, epistemic values funded by MUR (2021-2023). The project involves Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (Prof. Mario Piazza) and Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia (Prof. Andrea Sereni).


I'm regularly teaching the following courses to PhD students from different disciplines at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca:

  • Philosophy of Science
  • Critical Thinking
  • Philosophy of Social Sciences
  • Logic and Formalized Reasoning
  • Philosophy and Neuroscience in Moral Reasoning

I'm also teaching a course on ethics and deontology (Etica della ricerca e deontologia professionale) to master students of forensic psychology and crimonology (a joint master degree course organized by University of Padua and IMT Lucca).

Finally, I occasionally teach courses on decision theory, game theory, probabilistic reasoning, and cognitive biases to both master and PhD students, as well as to professionals (especially physicians and lawyers).

Check the website of the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, one of the seven Italian scuole di eccellenza located in the beautiful San Francesco campus, for open positions and events.


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